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Phonetic spelling of councillors

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Meanings for councillors

A councillor is a member of a council who is elected to represent a local area.
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Examples of in a sentence

Councillors from Taichung City don't apologize about bully scandal at 2007 Baseball World Cup
Listen Councillors from Taichung City don't apologize about bully scandal at 2007 Baseball World Cup pronunciation
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Two Outer Hebrides councillors launch petition to retain local flight services
Listen Two Outer Hebrides councillors launch petition to retain local flight services pronunciation
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ICAC: Councillors seek urgent meeting with lord mayor Jeff McCloy, poll
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There is a large trade in Tunbridge ware, which includes work-tables, boxes, toys, &c., made of hard woods, such as beech, sycamore, holly, and cherry, and inlaid with mosaic. Tunbridge Wells was incorporated in 1889, and is governed by a mayor, 8 aldermen and 24 councillors.
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It was on this subject of keeping pure the Lord's Table that the controversy arose between the ministers and the town councillors which ended in the banishment of Calvin, Farel and Conrad from Geneva.
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Translations of councillors

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