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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɔːnə
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Phonetic spelling of corner

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Meanings for corner

turn a corner
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force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
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a temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade
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upper left hand corner
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corner of her mouth
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Examples of in a sentence

Metro Silver Line, Phase I of Expanded Tysons Corner Center Expected to Help ...
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Coach's Corner: co
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Chef's Corner: Grass
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standing on the corner watching all the girls go by
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a piano was in one corner of the room
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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corner should be in sentence

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Trending news on corner

Body discovered on property near busy corner, 8th and St Louis
JOPLIN, Mo. — Capt Nick Jimenez of the Joplin Police Department told us Thursday afternoon they were conducting a death investigation after a body was discovered. Police responded to a call..View article
Four States Homepage Four States Homepage
Giants Coordinator Corner: Nothing but love, appreciation for Eli Manning
The New York Giants (4-11) face the Philadelphia Eagles (8-7) this Sunday at MetLife Stadium in a game that might have more significance to the Giants then it does to the Eagles, who are on..View article
USA Today USA Today
Best of Sarasota Cops Corner: 2019
Theft: An officer received a report about a shoplifting in progress at a department store. When the officer arrived, dispatchers informed him the suspect was wearing stolen merchandise and l..View article
Your Observer Your Observer
Spectacular sunrise to snow-covered mountains: Christmas scenes from every corner of the US
From the mighty Sequoias in the Sierra Nevada to the pine-filled forests in the Adirondacks, Christmas looked vastly different for residents across the United States. As millions of American..View article
Collin's Corner: Peach Bowl practice notebook
The Oklahoma Sooners and LSU Tigers are in full game-week preparation as both teams took the practice field today. Each squad had a period...
247 Sports 247 Sports
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