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copper sulphate

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Pronunciation of copper sulphate with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɒpə ˈsʌlfeɪt
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Phonetic spelling of copper sulphate

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Meanings for copper sulphate

It refers to a chemical inorganic compound that is used as a fungicide, algaecide, and root killer.
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Synonyms for copper sulphate

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Wiki content for copper sulphate

Examples of in a sentence

P. 299), or by the addition of a concentrated solution of potassium cyanide to one of copper sulphate, the mixed solutions being then heated.
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Copper sulphate finds application in calico printing and in the preparation of the pigment Scheele's green.
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Phosphorous acid, P(OH) 3, discovered by Davy in 1812, may be ' obtained by dissolving its anhydride, P 4 0 61 in cold water; by immersing sticks of phosphorus in a solution of copper sulphate contained in a well-closed flask, filtering from the copper sulphide and precipitating the sulphuric acid s
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The Japanese use for ornament an alloy of gold and silver, the standard of which varies from 350 to 500, the colour of the precious metal being developed by pickling in a mixture of plum-juice, vinegar and copper sulphate.
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This water cannot be entirely removed by fractional distillation, and to prepare anhydrous or absolute alcohol the commercial product must be allowed to stand over some dehydrating agent, such as caustic lime, baryta, anhydrous copper sulphate, &c., and then distilled.
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Translations of copper sulphate

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