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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kənˈvɪns
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Phonetic spelling of convince

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Meanings for convince

convince the reader
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convinced communist
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make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something
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Examples of in a sentence

He had finally convinced several customers of the advantages of his product
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If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
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Cynthia didn't do it, Dean answered, trying to make his statement sound forceful, but unsure of whom he was trying to convince.
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Rhyn's jaw clenched, and he fought the raw feeling inside him, the one that betrayed him every time he tried to convince himself he'd survived worse.
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NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Despite the airline industry's best efforts to encourage brand loyalty and to convince passengers that paying for checked bags is logical, most Americans neither favor a single airline nor willingly accept baggage fees
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convince should be in sentence

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