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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kɒntrədɪsˈtɪŋkʃn
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Phonetic spelling of contradistinction

kon-truh-di-stingk-shuh n

Meanings for contradistinction

The meaning of this word refers to the distinction made by contrasting qualities of two things and it is a noun.

Synonyms for contradistinction

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Examples of in a sentence

Haedus, a kid), properly the name of the well-known domesticated European ruminant (Capra hircus), which has for all time been regarded as the emblem of everything that is evil, in contradistinction to the sheep, which is the symbol of excellence and purity.
FALLOW-DEER (that is, DUN Deer, in contradistinction to the red deer, Cervus [Dama] dama), a medium-sized representative of the family Cervidae, characterized by its expanded or palmated antlers, which generally have no bez-tine, rather long tail (black above and white below), and a coat spotted wit
Forma), in general, the external shape, appearance, configuration of an object, in contradistinction to the matter of which it is composed; thus a speech may contain excellent arguments, - the matter may be good, while the style, grammar, arrangement, - the form - is bad.
It is remarkable that each of these writers seems to have been led, independently and contemporaneously, to invent the same name of biology for the science of the phenomena of life; and thus, following Buffon, to have recognized the essential unity of these phenomena, and their contradistinction
In the Frankish empire (9th century) as alba, clericalis, in contradistinction to the liturgical alb, and in England (loth century) under the name of oferslip in the 46th canon of the ecclesiastical laws of Edgar.
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