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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kənˈstɪʧʊənsɪ
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Phonetic spelling of constituency

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Meanings for constituency

The meaning of this word has a political reference which refers to a group of people with the same political interest and it is a noun.
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Examples of in a sentence

Laning has 'abiding concern' for constituency
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A local think tank, the Policy Monitoring and Research Centre has recommended that the Constituency Development Fund in its current form be phased out In its latest research report, PMRC says it believes that through the phasing out and readjustment of CDF as it currently stands, as well as the impl
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There is a biennial registration of voters, and every five years the electoral areas are to be redivided, with the object of giving to each constituency an approximately equal number of voters.
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Expectancy for a man in my constituency is 69.
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Consequently, if any single deputy believed that a measure already approved of by the rest of the house might be injurious to his constituency, he had the right to rise and exclaim nie pozwalam, I disapprove, when the measure in question fell at once to the ground.
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constituency should be in sentence

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Translations of constituency

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