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Examples of in a sentence

In general, each county has from three to seven commissioners - the number is fixed by county laws - elected on a general ticket of each county for a term of from two to six years, entrusted with the charge and control of property owned by the county, empowered to appoint constables, judges of elect
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The constables of these castles had adopted the custom of compelling these landholders to give money and not service, mercenaries being then hired to perform this.
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On the 13th of December the Opposition, infuriated by the formation of a special corps of parliamentary constables, invaded and wrecked the Chamber.
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His immediate ancestors had been constables of the kingdom of Cyprus for the Venetian republic since 1464.
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The corporation was replaced by two constables chosen annually in the court leet of the manor until 1894, when an urban district council was appointed.
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