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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kənˈsekjʊtɪvlɪ
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Meanings for consecutively

It is an adverb term that means "one after another unaccompanied by butting in".
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Synonyms for consecutively

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Examples of in a sentence

They are effected chiefly by some alteration in the description of the root-crop, and perhaps by the introduction of the potato crop; by growing a different cereal, or it may be more than one cereal consecutively; by the growth of some other leguminous crop than clover, since clover-sickness may
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Though at first written consecutively, the work is now usually divided into three portions, - a preface, the history proper, and an epistle, - the last, which is largely made up of passages and texts of Scripture brought together for the purpose of condemning the vices of his countrymen and their ru
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For days consecutively the horse of the explorer can get no other food than the dwarf birch.
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31 Possibly the intercalary month was abnormal, the incidence of observances depending not on the day of the month in ordinary months but on the day of the week reckoned consecutively through the year.
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In the Le Bel-Henninger form a series of bulbs are connected consecutively by means of syphon tubes (b) and having platinum gauzes (a) at the constrictions, so that when a certain amount of liquid collects in any one bulb it syphons over into the next lower bulb.
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consecutively should be in sentence

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