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Phonetic spelling of condenses

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Meanings for condenses

It is a verb term that meana "exchange or produce substance change from gas to liquid".
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Examples of in a sentence

It condenses with aceto-acetic ester, in the presence of sulphuric acid, to 0-methyl coumarin (H.
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They derive this moisture from the air by means of aerial roots, developed from the stem and bearing an outer spongy structure, or velamen, consisting of empty cells kept open by spiral thickenings in the wall; this sponge-like tissue absorbs dew and rain and condenses the moisture of the air and pa
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It is a thick yellowish oil boiling between 242° C. and 250° C. It condenses with acetone in the presence of caustic soda to a quinoline.
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Silicon tetraiodide, Si14, is formed by passing iodine vapour mixed with carbon dioxide over strongly-heated silicon (C. Friedel, Comptes rendus, 1868, 67, p. 98); the iodo-compound condenses in the colder portion of the apparatus and is purified by shaking with carbon bisulphide and with mercury.
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condenses should be in sentence

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Translations of condenses

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