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Phonetic spelling of Comprising

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Meanings for Comprising

It is a verb that can be defined as someone is being a part of something.
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Synonyms for Comprising

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Examples of in a sentence

On a sweltering August day, what better to cool you down than a "semi-frozen drink comprising tiny frozen particles each of which contains the proper proportions of water, flavoring and carbon dioxide
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The area between the southern border of Siberia and the margin of the temperate alpine zone of the Himalaya and north China, comprising what are commonly called central Asia, Turkestan, Mongolia and western Manchuria, is an almost rainless region, having winters of extreme severity and summers of in
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Aluminum silicates comprising asbestos are relatively benign if not in nanoscale form and not breathed in or contacted directly in nanoscale form.
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There are twelve ministriesi comprising those of justice; finance; war; the interior; marine; colonies; public instruction and fine arts; foreign affairs; commerce and industry; agriculture; public works; and labor and public thrift.
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The policy adopted after 1890 of incorporating in the ordinary budget the expenditure on war, marine and public works, each under its own head, rendered the extraordinary budget obsolete, but there are still, besides the ordinary budget, budgets annexes, comprising the credits voted to certain estab
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