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    Meanings for Colossians

    a New Testament book containing an epistle from Saint Paul to the Colossians in ancient Phrygia
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    Colossians means "a native or inhabitant of Colossae", also refers to a book called "Epistle to the Colossians"
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    Wiki content for Colossians

    Examples of in a sentence

    - In addition to the literature already mentioned, see the articles of Sanday on Colossians and Robertson on Ephesians in Smith's Bible Dictionary (2nd ed., 1893), and the article of A.
    Listen - In addition to the literature already mentioned, see the articles of Sanday on Colossians and Robertson on Ephesians in Smith's Bible Dictionary (2nd ed., 1893), and the article of A. pronunciation
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    EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS, the twelfth book of the New Testament, the authorship of which is ascribed to the Apostle Paul.
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    Like its sister Epistle to the Colossians, it represents, whoever wrote it, deep experience and bold use of reflection on the meaning of that experience; if it be from the pen of the Apostle Paul, it reveals to us a distinct and important phase of his thought.
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    But it must remain possible that contact with new scenes and persons, and especially such controversial necessities as are exemplified in Colossians, stimulated Paul to work out more fully, under the influence of Alexandrian categories, lines of thought of which the germs and origins must be admitte
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    Those who hold to the genuineness of Colossians find it easier to explain the resemblances as the product of the free working of the same mind, than as due to a deliberate imitator.
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