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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kɜːnl
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    Meanings for colonel

    It is a rank or position given in the military which is a senior Military officer position and it is below the general officer ranks.
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    Wiki content for colonel

    Colonel - Colonel ( "kernel"; abbreviated Col., Col or COL) is a senior military officer rank below the brigadier and general officer ranks.
    Colin Powell - Colin Luther Powell (; born April 5, 1937) is an American politician and retired four-star general in the United States Army.
    Colonel Sanders - Colonel Harland David Sanders (September 9, 1890 – December 16, 1980) was an American businessman, best known for founding fast food chicken restaurant chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (also know
    Colonel Tom Parker - Thomas Andrew "Colonel Tom" Parker (born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk; June 26, 1909 – January 21, 1997) was the Dutch-born manager of Elvis Presley.
    Colonel-in-chief - Colonel-in-Chief is a ceremonial position in a military regiment. It is in common use in several Commonwealth armies, where it is held by the regiment's patron, usually a member of the royal
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    Examples of in a sentence

    "Colonel Santa" is back at KFC, and this time he's brought gifts
    Listen "Colonel Santa" is back at KFC, and this time he's brought gifts pronunciation
    209 ratings rating ratings
    Your Money: Levi Strauss; Amazon doorbells; Colonel Sanders’ restaurant makeover
    Listen Your Money: Levi Strauss; Amazon doorbells; Colonel Sanders’ restaurant makeover pronunciation
    194 ratings rating ratings
    Maintaining its mission will be DAFB’s key job, colonel says
    Listen Maintaining its mission will be DAFB’s key job, colonel says pronunciation
    179 ratings rating ratings
    Before His Impeachment Testimony, a Lieutenant Colonel Was Raised in Brooklyn
    Listen Before His Impeachment Testimony, a Lieutenant Colonel Was Raised in Brooklyn pronunciation
    165 ratings rating ratings
    Retired Army Air Corps colonel celebrates 102nd birthday in wake of Veterans Day
    Listen Retired Army Air Corps colonel celebrates 102nd birthday in wake of Veterans Day pronunciation
    149 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of colonel

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    Trending news on colonel

    Weatherly native promoted to lieutenant colonel in Air Force
    Listen Weatherly native promoted to lieutenant colonel in Air Force pronunciation
    Maj. Carla A. Wiese, education and training flight commander, 5 Medical Group, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel on Sept. 1. Lt. Col. Wiese i..View article
    Hazleton Standard Speaker Hazleton Standard Speaker
    Maintaining its mission will be DAFB’s key job, colonel says
    Listen Maintaining its mission will be DAFB’s key job, colonel says pronunciation
    Over the next 10 years the Air Force is projected to have 52 C-5s and 222 C-17s. They’ve done some further studies and those studies show similar numbers.” The colonel added, “What that tell..View article
    Delaware State News Delaware State News
    Before His Impeachment Testimony, a Lieutenant Colonel Was Raised in Brooklyn
    Listen Before His Impeachment Testimony, a Lieutenant Colonel Was Raised in Brooklyn pronunciation
    Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman was in the eye of a political hurricane Tuesday as he testified in the House impeachment hearing. The Army officer and top Ukraine expert on the National..View article
    Spectrum News NY1 Spectrum News NY1
    Retired Army Air Corps colonel celebrates 102nd birthday in wake of Veterans Day
    Listen Retired Army Air Corps colonel celebrates 102nd birthday in wake of Veterans Day pronunciation
    Hepner, a retired colonel in the U.S. Army Air Corps, was honored Nov. 12 at Jackson Creek Senior Living in Monument with a celebration in honor of his 102nd birthday. Depner, a veteran of W..View article
    The Gazette The Gazette
    Colonel Korn
    Listen Colonel Korn pronunciation
    Click to print (Opens in new window) I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Chef Conrad Gonzales as “The Kernel King.” My only corny suggestion would be that the article could have been titled “..View article
    image-unavailable Santa Barbara Independent
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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