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Cologne Cathedral

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Meanings for Cologne Cathedral

It is a Catholic cathedral in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany that is a famous tourist attraction spot. It was built in Gothic architectural style.
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Wiki content for Cologne Cathedral

Cologne Cathedral - Cologne Cathedral (German: Kölner Dom, officially Hohe Domkirche Sankt Petrus, English: Cathedral Church of Saint Peter) is a Catholic cathedral in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Cologne Cathedral Window - The Cologne Cathedral Window is the stained glass window in the south transept of the Cologne Cathedral designed by Cologne artist Gerhard Richter.
Cologne Cathedral organs - The organs of Cologne Cathedral are the major source of instrumental music at the cathedral, being played for daily services and accompanying the choir, as well as being used for concerts and

Translations of Cologne Cathedral

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