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Learn how to pronounce Colin Powell

Colin Powell

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Pronunciation of Colin Powell with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɒlɪn paʊl
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Phonetic spelling of Colin Powell

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Meanings for Colin Powell

He is an American politician, diplomat and retired four-star general
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Wiki content for Colin Powell

Colin Powell - Colin Luther Powell (; born April 5, 1937) is an American politician and retired four-star general in the United States Army.
Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership - Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York (CCNY) is a nonpartisan educational, training, and research center named for its founder, General Colin L.
Colin Powell (footballer) - Colin David Powell (born 7 July 1948) is an English retired professional footballer, active during the 1970s and 1980s.
Colin Powell Leadership Academy - Colin Powell Leadership Academy was a charter school in Dayton, Ohio. The school met one of the 12 state indicators for the 2005-2006 school year, earning it a rating of "Academic Emergency"
Colin Howell - Colin Howell (born 14 March 1959) is a Northern Irish convicted double murderer. The murders and surrounding story were the subject of an ITV drama series The Secret, broadcast in April and M
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Examples of in a sentence

Colin Powell backs Biden ahead of DNC appearance
Listen Colin Powell backs Biden ahead of DNC appearance pronunciation
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Colin Powell says Joe Biden will stand with America's friends and stand up to America's adversaries
Listen Colin Powell says Joe Biden will stand with America's friends and stand up to America's adversaries pronunciation
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2020 DNC: Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Cindy McCain among speakers on Night 2
Listen 2020 DNC: Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Cindy McCain among speakers on Night 2 pronunciation
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Colin Powell endorses Joe Biden for president, boosting national security profile
Listen Colin Powell endorses Joe Biden for president, boosting national security profile pronunciation
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2020 DNC: Joe Biden officially nominated as Bill Clinton, Colin Powell among speakers
Listen 2020 DNC: Joe Biden officially nominated as Bill Clinton, Colin Powell among speakers pronunciation
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Translations of Colin Powell

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Trending news on Colin Powell

Colin Powell backs Biden ahead of DNC appearance
Listen Colin Powell backs Biden ahead of DNC appearance pronunciation
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Joe Biden for president and will appear at the Democratic Convention Tuesday evening, NBC first reported. Why it matters: Powell is the highes..View article
Axios Axios
Maddow Blog | Colin Powell joins GOP voices backing Biden at Dems' convention
Listen Maddow Blog | Colin Powell joins GOP voices backing Biden at Dems' convention pronunciation
Colin Powell was hardly the only Republican to get the spotlight during the Democratic convention, and the effects may make a significant difference.
MSNBC on MSN.com MSNBC on MSN.com
Republicans at the DNC: Colin Powell, Cindy McCain give remarks; Some progressives feel overlooked | WATCH
Listen Republicans at the DNC: Colin Powell, Cindy McCain give remarks; Some progressives feel overlooked | WATCH pronunciation
Prominent Republicans who oppose Trump spoke a the DNC, but some progressives say they are being unfairly overlooked.
Colin Powell addresses DNC: ‘I support Joe Biden for the Presidency of the United States’
Listen Colin Powell addresses DNC: ‘I support Joe Biden for the Presidency of the United States’ pronunciation
In a preview of his DNC speech, former Secretary of State Colin Powell outlines why he supports Joe Biden in the 2020 election.
Colin Powell, Cindy McCain become latest Republicans to join DNC and endorse Biden
Listen Colin Powell, Cindy McCain become latest Republicans to join DNC and endorse Biden pronunciation
On the first night of this year's DNC, John Kasich, the former GOP governor of Ohio and 2016 presidential candidate, was among a group of prominent Republicans who broke ranks and endorsed f..View article
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