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Pronunciation of colander with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkʌləndə* ˈkʌləndə
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Phonetic spelling of colander

kuhl-uh n-der
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Meanings for colander

A kitchen utensil that is used to drain water from foods especially pasta.
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bowl-shaped strainer; used to wash or drain foods
Listen bowl-shaped strainer; used to wash or drain foods pronunciation
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Wiki content for colander

Colander - A colander (or cullender) is a kitchen utensil used to strain foods such as pasta or rice or to rinse vegetables.
Colander (disambiguation) - A colander is a kitchen utensil for draining food. It may also refer to:
Col Anderson - Colin Anderson (born 31 August 1951) is a former Australian rules footballer who played for the Melbourne Football Club in the Victorian Football League (VFL).
Coladeira - The coladeira (Portuguese pronunciation: [kulɐˈdejɾɐ]; Cape Verdean Creole: koladera, [kolɐˈdeɾɐ]) is a music genre from Cape Verde.
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Examples of in a sentence

Religious or ridiculous? Ohio BMV rejects request to wear spaghetti colander in driver's license photo
Listen Religious or ridiculous? Ohio BMV rejects request to wear spaghetti colander in driver's license photo pronunciation
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DIY Décor: Colander now turned into one-of-a-kind Christmas wreath
Listen DIY Décor: Colander now turned into one-of-a-kind Christmas wreath pronunciation
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Colander-wearing 'Pastafarian' claims religious discrimination over Ohio driver's license photo
Listen Colander-wearing 'Pastafarian' claims religious discrimination over Ohio driver's license photo pronunciation
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Kanye West’s New Yeezy Shoes Draw Comparisons to Crocs and a Colander
Listen Kanye West’s New Yeezy Shoes Draw Comparisons to Crocs and a Colander pronunciation
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‘Pastafarian’ Dons Colander in Utah DL Photo
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Translations of colander

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Trending news on colander

Colander-wearing ‘Pastafarian’ claims religious discrimination over Ohio driver’s license photo
Listen Colander-wearing ‘Pastafarian’ claims religious discrimination over Ohio driver’s license photo pronunciation
They didn’t, despite Richard Steve Moser III’s insistence that the colander is a religious head covering, and now a national group is fighting on his behalf. The American Humanist Associatio..View article
The Palm Beach Post The Palm Beach Post
'Big city reporter. Champion for odd causes. Delightful company.' Longtime writer and editor Pat Colander has died
Listen 'Big city reporter. Champion for odd causes. Delightful company.' Longtime writer and editor Pat Colander has died pronunciation
Also fearless. My first real newspaper job was at The Times in Munster, Ind., in 1996, and one of my favorite characters there was Pat Colander, an editor and writer who seemed, to my young..View article
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
Best Colander to Make Your Life Easier
Listen Best Colander to Make Your Life Easier pronunciation
Rather than giving yourself a deep burn by struggling to do all that, using a colander will take all the hassle out of draining water. Having a colander will help you rinse off your produce..View article
Longtime writer and former Times journalist Pat Colander dies
Listen Longtime writer and former Times journalist Pat Colander dies pronunciation
Former Times SHORE editor Pat Colander has died. She was 66. Colander, who worked at The Times as an editor and writer from 1992 through 2000, and again from 2005 through 2016 as editor of S..View article
The Times of Northwest Indiana The Times of Northwest Indiana
Brilliant $10 clip-on colander stops your pasta from touching your gross sink
Listen Brilliant $10 clip-on colander stops your pasta from touching your gross sink pronunciation
SPACE SAVING- Small, compact strainer that is easy to use and store in a quarter the size of the traditional colander. Great when working with limited counter space. SAFE AND DURABLE- Comple..View article
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