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Pronunciation of coarse with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kɔːs
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Meanings for coarse

It means something that is rough in texture.
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Synonyms for coarse

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Antonyms for coarse

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Examples of in a sentence

Hong Kong 'tutor king' applies for bankruptcy
Listen Hong Kong 'tutor king' applies for bankruptcy pronunciation
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Foxes, too, and badger are dyed a brownish black, and white hairs inserted to imitate silver fox, but the white hairs are too coarse and the colour too dense to mislead any one who knows the real article.
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The principal industries are the manufacture of sackings, ropes, bricks, coarse earthenware, terra-cotta, tobacco-pipes and leather.
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A sheet iron case is then placed within the furnace, and the space between it and the walls rammed with limed charcoal; the interior is filled with fragments of the iron or copper to be alloyed, mixed with alumina and coarse charcoal, broken pieces of carbon being placed in position to connect the e
Listen A sheet iron case is then placed within the furnace, and the space between it and the walls rammed with limed charcoal; the interior is filled with fragments of the iron or copper to be alloyed, mixed with alumina and coarse charcoal, broken pieces of carbon being placed in position to connect the e pronunciation
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In the paraschists, though fossils are exceedingly rare, sedimentary structures such as bedding and the alternation of laminae of fine and coarse deposit may frequently be preserved.
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