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Wiki content for Ciccone

Ciccone - Ciccone is a family name of Italian origin. The name means "Big Cicco", and is an augmentative form of "Cicco"—a hypocorism of the given name Francisco.
Ciccone (band) - Ciccone were a London-based indie rock band active in the 2000s, fronted by Rebekah Delgado and Micky Strickson, both on vocals and guitar.They released their first recording in 2001, the "Fo
Ciccone, Northern Territory - Ciccone is an industrial suburb of Alice Springs with a population of around 255 (2016). Ciccone is located right next to Stuart Highway.
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Examples of in a sentence

Giulio Ciccone: “It’s been exceptional to ride in yellow”
Listen Giulio Ciccone: “It’s been exceptional to ride in yellow” pronunciation
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Bollier Ciccone LLP Is Now Scheduling Appointments Online for Current and Prospective Clients
Listen Bollier Ciccone LLP Is Now Scheduling Appointments Online for Current and Prospective Clients pronunciation
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BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Christine Ciccone, CFO adviser at DHS
Listen BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Christine Ciccone, CFO adviser at DHS pronunciation
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Raymond R. Ciccone of Surf City to Chair Stockton Board of Trustees
Listen Raymond R. Ciccone of Surf City to Chair Stockton Board of Trustees pronunciation
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Ciccone named chair of Stockton University board of trustees
Listen Ciccone named chair of Stockton University board of trustees pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Ciccone

Littleproud and Ciccone call for Fonterra, Bega and Saputo to pass on gains to the farmgate
Listen Littleproud and Ciccone call for Fonterra, Bega and Saputo to pass on gains to the farmgate pronunciation
Victorian Labor senator Raff Ciccone said Australia’s dairy farmers deserved to have their farmgate prices stepped up if processors enjoyed a market bounce. “Australians, when they’re buying..View article
image-unavailable The Weekly Times
Giulio Ciccone: “It’s been exceptional to ride in yellow”
Listen Giulio Ciccone: “It’s been exceptional to ride in yellow” pronunciation
“It was a very hard stage. We did the maximum. I want to thank my team-mates. It was a stage for Alaphilippe. It’s fair enough that he got the yellow jersey back. He did it with great determ..View article
image-unavailable Le Tour de France
Bollier Ciccone LLP Is Now Scheduling Appointments Online for Current and Prospective Clients
Listen Bollier Ciccone LLP Is Now Scheduling Appointments Online for Current and Prospective Clients pronunciation
Austin, TX - September 29, 2020 - Bollier Ciccone LLP is now scheduling appointments online for current and prospective clients who are in Austin. The Family law attorney in Austin is making..View article
image-unavailable Digital Journal
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Christine Ciccone, CFO adviser at DHS
Listen BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Christine Ciccone, CFO adviser at DHS pronunciation
How/where are you celebrating and with whom? “Family will be in town and we are going out for an Italian dinner with an inappropriate amount of good wine.” How did you get your start in your..View article
image-unavailable Politico
Raymond R. Ciccone of Surf City to Chair Stockton Board of Trustees
Listen Raymond R. Ciccone of Surf City to Chair Stockton Board of Trustees pronunciation
GALLOWAY– Stockton alumnus Raymond R. Ciccone of Surf City was named chair of the Stockton University Board of Trustees at the September 23 meeting, held via Zoom. Andrew Dolce was approved..View article
image-unavailable The Press of Atlantic City
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