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Christian name

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Phonetic spelling of Christian name

Chris-t-ian name
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Chris-tian name
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Meanings for Christian name

A given name is the part of a personal name that identifies a person, potentially with a middle name as well, and differentiates that person from the other members of a group who have a common surname.
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Examples of in a sentence

His father's Christian name was shortened to Rienzo, and his own, Nicholas, to Cola; hence the Cola di Rienzi, or Rienzo, by which he is generally known.
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His literary career began in 1842 with the publication of an essay, in Russian, on Dilettantism in Science, under the pseudonym of Iskander, the Turkish form of his Christian name - convicts, even when pardoned, not being allowed in those days to publish under their own names.
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But according to a story reproduced in the New Uniat Anthology of Arcudius, and mentioned in Basil's Monologue, Christopher was originally a hideous man-eating ogre, with a dog's face, and only received his human semblance, with his Christian name, at baptism.
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Asinus), a common name (the synonym donkey is supposed to be derived either by analogy from monkey, or from the Christian name Duncan; cf.
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SILVESTER II., pope from 999 till 1003, and previously famous, under his Christian name of Gerbert, first as a teacher and afterwards as archbishop successively of Reims and Ravenna, was an Aquitanian by birth, and was educated at the abbey of St Gerold in Aurillac. Here he seems to have had Gerald
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Translations of Christian name

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