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Wiki content for Chisholm

Chisholm - Chisholm may refer to:
Chisholm Trail - The Chisholm Trail was a trail used in the post-Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads.
Chisholm, Minnesota - Chisholm is a city in Saint Louis County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 4,976 at the 2010 census.U.S.
Chisholm (surname) - Chisholm ( (listen)) is a Scottish surname. The original name was 'De Chesé' to which the Saxon termination 'holme' was added on the marriage of a Norman ancestor with a Saxon heiress.
Chisholm v. Georgia - Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 419 (1793), is considered the first United States Supreme Court case of significance and impact.
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Examples of in a sentence

UPDATED: Football player eligibility ruling could jeopardize Chisholm playoffs
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A Look Back On Shirley Chisholm's Historic 1968 House Victory
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Chisholm embraces difficult second-round challenge in Beggs
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Jazz Chisholm Finds New Life With Marlins
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Chisholm man, missing since May 2018, found dead
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Trending news on Chisholm

Hope and faith in Chisholm: Rhonda Thompson is July's Community Hero
Hope and faith in Chisholm: Rhonda Thompson is July's Community Hero Director of Nehemiah Center, Thompson's goal is to show each person they are valued and to guide them toward living up to..View article
Montgomery Advertiser Montgomery Advertiser
Chisholm's donation establishs fund to support families in need
The organization announced Tuesday the establishment of the John & Sophia Chisholm Embracing Family Fund to help support families in need. Funding will be directed toward services that are n..View article
Windsor Star Windsor Star
2019 Belongs to Shirley Chisholm
Shirley Chisholm stares out from the side of a dozen coffee mugs these days, her epochal glasses, brocade dresses and distinct crown of curls recognizable trademarks ...
nytimes.com nytimes.com
Wells Holds One Vote Lead Over Chisholm In School Committee Race
While both won re-election to the committee, John Wells will get a four-year term, while Patricia Chisholm will have to run again in just two years. Wells beat Chisholm by a single vote, acc..View article
USA Patch USA Patch
Dayton beats Morehead State 49-35 behind Cook, Chisholm
MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) — Jack Cook threw two touchdown passes and ran for two scores, Jake Chisholm ran for 268 yards and had two touchdowns and Dayton scored on four of its first six possession..View article
USA Today USA Today
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