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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈʧekəd ˈʧekəd
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Phonetic spelling of chequered

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Meanings for chequered

It is a term that belongs to the category of an adjective, which means to have a pattern.
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Synonyms for chequered

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Examples of in a sentence

Burke, in a memorable passage of a memorable speech, has described this chequered and speckled administration with great humour, speaking of it as indeed a very curious show, but utterly unsafe to touch and unsure to stand on.
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He witnessed the chequered career of Stilicho as actual, though not titular, emperor of the West; he saw the hosts of Radagaisus rolled back from Italy, only to sweep over Gaul and Spain; the defeats and triumphs of Alaric; the three sieges and final sack of Rome, followed by the marvellous recovery
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Fritillus, a chess-board, so called from the chequered markings on the petals), a genus of hardy bulbous plants of the natural order Liliaceae, containing about 50 species widely distributed in the northern hemisphere.
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Series leader and Red Bull Junior Team driver Alex Lynn faced one of his biggest challenges of the season today, resisting the determined efforts of Status Grand Prix’s Richie Stanaway until the chequered flag in an epic battle
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Marussia once again edged rivals Caterham, but both Lotus cars failed to see the chequered flag
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