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IPA : ˈʧæzjʊbl
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Meanings for chasuble

sleeveless ecclesiastical garment
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It is the outermost liturgical vestment worn by a priest when celebrating Mass.
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Examples of in a sentence

The official dress of the acolyte, according to Ordo V., was a close-fitting linen garment (camisia) girt about him, a napkin hanging from the left side, a white tunic, a stole (orarium) and a chasuble (planeta) which he took off when he sang on the steps of the ambone.
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Thus the alternative use of cope or chasuble (vestment) is allowed at the celebration of Holy Communion - an obvious compromise; of the amice, girdle (cingulum), maniple and stole there is not a word, 2 and the inference to be drawn is that these were now disused.
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Branches of palm, olive or sprouting willow (hence in England known as palm) having been placed before the altar, or at the Epistle side, after Terce and the sprinkling of holy water, the priest, either in a purple cope or an alb without chasuble, proceeds to bless them.
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Those in Essays on Ceremonial, p. 246) are quite inconclusive, as ` vestment ' is often a convertible term with ' chasuble '; and it does not seem to be at all conclusively established that ' vestment ' with ' alb ' mentioned separately, and ' cope ' given as an alternative, in a document with the p
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The word vestment is used as synonymous with but one liturgical garment - the chasuble, the mass vestment par excellence; in the Prayer Book of 1559 vestments are eliminated altogether, ornaments being substituted as a more comprehensive term.
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