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IPA : ʧeɪs
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Phonetic spelling of chase

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Meanings for chase

It is the act of seeking out something or someone.
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Antonyms for chase

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Wiki content for chase

Examples of in a sentence

$1m offer for NBC to include U.S. presidential candidate Gravel in TV debate
Listen $1m offer for NBC to include U.S. presidential candidate Gravel in TV debate pronunciation
86 ratings rating ratings
Kenya's Cheruiyot and Russia's Grigoryeva capture Boston Marathon crowns
Listen Kenya's Cheruiyot and Russia's Grigoryeva capture Boston Marathon crowns pronunciation
79 ratings rating ratings
Violence at Cronulla Beach as 5000 people gather
Listen Violence at Cronulla Beach as 5000 people gather pronunciation
72 ratings rating ratings
Space Shuttle Discovery successfully lifts off on mission STS-128
Listen Space Shuttle Discovery successfully lifts off on mission STS-128 pronunciation
66 ratings rating ratings
Four year-old boy battered with a brick in East Yorkshire
Listen Four year-old boy battered with a brick in East Yorkshire pronunciation
53 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of chase

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Trending news on chase

Woman who died in Des Moines Saturday morning after brief chase, car crash is identified
Listen Woman who died in Des Moines Saturday morning after brief chase, car crash is identified pronunciation
A woman who died early Saturday in east Des Moines when her car hit a tree after a brief police chase was identified Sunday.
Des Moines Register on MSN.com Des Moines Register on MSN.com
Driver to be sentenced in connection to deadly NKY police chase
Listen Driver to be sentenced in connection to deadly NKY police chase pronunciation
A man who pleaded guilty in connection to a deadly police chase in Campbell County will be sentenced Monday. In April, Mason Meyer, 28, pleaded guilty to possession of a handgun by a convict..View article
WXIX-TV on MSN.com WXIX-TV on MSN.com
Never Been Kissed to chase the Montefilia double
Listen Never Been Kissed to chase the Montefilia double pronunciation
Never Been Kissed is chasing the “Montefilia double’’ but In The Congo is almost certain to miss The Everest. Trainers Gai Waterhouse and Adrian Bott are finalising spring carnival plans for..View article
racenet.com.au racenet.com.au
‘Uyajola 9/9’: Jub Jub will chase a cheater down
Listen ‘Uyajola 9/9’: Jub Jub will chase a cheater down pronunciation
From an attempted taxi escape to women teaming up against a cheating boyfriend, Uyajola 9/9's latest episodes had tongues wagging.
The Citizen The Citizen
Two critically injured following car theft, short chase and crash
Listen Two critically injured following car theft, short chase and crash pronunciation
Two people were critically injured Sunday morning following a reported car theft, a brief chase and a two-car crash on the city's East Side. According to the Franklin County Sheriff's office..View article
Columbus Dispatch on MSN.com Columbus Dispatch on MSN.com
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image-unavailable image-unavailable
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