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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kærɪzˈmætɪk ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk
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Examples of in a sentence

New Mexico-based charismatic leader fails to predict doomsday, again
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Charismatic leader spread teachings in North America, drawing students such as Allen Ginsberg and Leonard Cohen
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Charismatic, enigmatic, he's Israel's longest serving prime minister and faces no serious political challenger
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We are justified in believing that both exorcists and readers, whose functions differed essentially from the mechanical employments of the other minor clerics, belonged originally to the charismatic ministry, and sank afterwards to a low rank in the orders of the church (see Exorcist and Lect
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The moment of transition is clearly marked in the Didache, where the charismatic ministry of apostles and prophets is beginning to give place to permanent local officials of the Church, bishops, presbyters and deacons.
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charismatic should be in sentence

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