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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ʃæmˈpeɪn
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    Video Pronunciation of champagne in English

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    Meanings for champagne

    It is the name of wine found in France and tastes like citrus fruit. The unique bubbles found in wine are due to fermentation which undergoes for the second time in the bottle itself.
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    Wiki content for champagne

    Examples of in a sentence

    Have you ever been reprimanded by a snooty sommelier or wine snob for referring to prosecco as Champagne, and you weren’t sure why? It was because while prosecco and Champagne both have bubbles, that’s just about all these sparkling wines have in common
    125 ratings rating ratings
    Futuristic champagne bar design could combat flooding in Paris
    115 ratings rating ratings
    David Furnish: Our new lounge Fizz is all about champagne wishes and caviar dreams
    105 ratings rating ratings
    The Best Champagne Cocktails For Easy New Year’s Eve Mixing
    Listen The Best Champagne Cocktails For Easy New Year’s Eve Mixing pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Cocktail alternatives to Champagne for this New Year's Eve
    Listen Cocktail alternatives to Champagne for this New Year's Eve pronunciation
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    Trending news on champagne

    Fewer people than usual will pop bottles of bubbly at midnight. Pour one out for France’s Champagne region.
    Listen Fewer people than usual will pop bottles of bubbly at midnight. Pour one out for France’s Champagne region. pronunciation
    Champagne means celebration. But for France’s Champagne region, 2020 brought little to celebrate. In ordinary times, the region in France’s east, a global center of sparkling wine production..View article
    Washington Post Washington Post
    Jeff Bezos named Blue Origin's new rocket-catching recovery ship after his mom, Jacklyn, who then smashed a bottle of champagne over its hull
    Listen Jeff Bezos named Blue Origin's new rocket-catching recovery ship after his mom, Jacklyn, who then smashed a bottle of champagne over its hull pronunciation
    Jeff Bezos named the rocket recovery ship after his mom, Jacklyn, because she "has always given us the best place and best heart to come home to."
    Business Insider Business Insider
    Tin Fish: oysters and champagne
    Listen Tin Fish: oysters and champagne pronunciation
    We’ve just had a shipment of oysters come in today. It’s rare. Many fishermen don’t fish any more. Their restaurant markets have dropped out. So today we’re celebrating, with oysters and cha..View article
    San Diego Reader San Diego Reader
    Food Dude: No Champagne toasts for crummy 2020
    Listen Food Dude: No Champagne toasts for crummy 2020 pronunciation
    Champagne will no doubt be involved in our New Year's Eve plans, but the only toast I can think of for 2020 is burnt. To the delight of everyone, the clock has almost run out on what feels l..View article
    The Oklahoman The Oklahoman
    Cheers to the New Year with KORBEL California Champagne
    Listen Cheers to the New Year with KORBEL California Champagne pronunciation
    As 2020 winds down, it’s time to reflect on the past and consider the future; celebrate with hope, happiness and sparkling KORBEL California Champagne to kick off a bright new year. Whether..View article
    San Francisco Examiner San Francisco Examiner
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