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Pronunciation of chamorro with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of chamorro

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chuh-mawr-oh; Spanish chah-mawr-raw
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Meanings for chamorro

It is a term that is used to refer to the indigenous people of the Mariana Islands.
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Wiki content for chamorro

Chamorro - Chamorro may refer to:
Chamorro language - Chamorro () (Chamorro: Finu' Chamoru) is an Austronesian language spoken by about 58,000 people (about 25,800 people on Guam and about 32,200 in the rest of the Mariana Islands and elsewhere)
Chamorro people - The Chamorro people (/tʃɑˈmɔroʊ/) are the indigenous people of the Mariana Islands, politically divided between the United States territory of Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marian
Chamorro Nation - The Chamorro Nation (Chamorro: Nasion Chamoru) is a political movement seeking sovereignty for the island of Guam, founded by Angel Leon Guerrero Santos.
Chamorro Time Zone - The Chamorro Time Zone, formerly the Guam Time Zone, is a United States time zone which observes standard time ten hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+10:00).
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Examples of in a sentence

Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua
Listen Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua pronunciation
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Top journalist Carlos Chamorro flees Nicaragua, cites raids
Listen Top journalist Carlos Chamorro flees Nicaragua, cites raids pronunciation
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Carlos Fernando Chamorro: Nicaraguan journalist flees citing threats
Listen Carlos Fernando Chamorro: Nicaraguan journalist flees citing threats pronunciation
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Dr. Luis Chamorro
Listen Dr. Luis Chamorro pronunciation
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Prubechu Is Bringing the Chamorro Party Back to the Mission
Listen Prubechu Is Bringing the Chamorro Party Back to the Mission pronunciation
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Translations of chamorro

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Trending news on chamorro

Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua
Listen Exiled in Costa Rica, Carlos Chamorro talks about how journalists are adapting to conditions of insecurity in Nicaragua pronunciation
Carlos F. Chamorro directs the independent news site Confidencial from exile in Costa Rica. (César López Linares/Knight Center) For journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro, who left Nicaragua in..View article
image-unavailable Journalism in the Americas
Top journalist Carlos Chamorro flees Nicaragua, cites raids
Listen Top journalist Carlos Chamorro flees Nicaragua, cites raids pronunciation
MEXICO CITY — More than a month after Nicaraguan police raided and occupied his news outlets' offices, prominent journalist Carlos Fernando Chamorro has fled to Costa Rica. Chamorro announce..View article
Star Tribune Star Tribune
Carlos Fernando Chamorro: Nicaraguan journalist flees citing threats
Listen Carlos Fernando Chamorro: Nicaraguan journalist flees citing threats pronunciation
Carlos Fernando Chamorro said he had made the decision to leave Nicaragua with his wife after receiving a series of threats. Chamorro's move comes five weeks after the digital newspaper he e..View article
Derek Chamorro, 17, denies murder charge in fatal shooting of Heriberto Hernandez in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD — Derek Chamorro, 17, of Springfield, pleaded not guilty Thursday in Hampden Superior Court to a murder charge in connection with the shooting death this summer of Heriberto Hern..View article
MassLive MassLive
Dr. Luis Chamorro
Listen Dr. Luis Chamorro pronunciation
U.S. News provides information on each dentist's specialty, patient experience, and location to help you find the best dentist for you. Dr. Luis Chamorro is an endodontist in Charlotte, Nort..View article
image-unavailable US News Health
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