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Pronunciation of chagrin with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈʃægrɪn ˈʃægrɪn
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Meanings for chagrin

strong feelings of embarrassment
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cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
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Synonyms for chagrin

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Wiki content for chagrin

Examples of in a sentence

She forgot her lines during the audition, much to her chagrin.
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Woman waits for movie star at man’s property: Chagrin Falls Police Blotter
Listen Woman waits for movie star at man’s property: Chagrin Falls Police Blotter pronunciation
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US and Taiwan tout 'democratic' effort on virus to China's chagrin
Listen US and Taiwan tout 'democratic' effort on virus to China's chagrin pronunciation
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Chagrin Falls UPS store owner personally drives to Florida to ensure on-time package delivery
Listen Chagrin Falls UPS store owner personally drives to Florida to ensure on-time package delivery pronunciation
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Spotlight: U.S. draws down forces in Germany, to chagrin of Congress, allies
Listen Spotlight: U.S. draws down forces in Germany, to chagrin of Congress, allies pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of chagrin

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Trending news on chagrin

Black Lives Matter mural painted at Trump Tower, much to chagrin of the president
Listen Black Lives Matter mural painted at Trump Tower, much to chagrin of the president pronunciation
Activists led by Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton, painted black lives matter mural in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan. (Photo by Todd Maisel) Sign up for our COVID-19 newsletter..View article
AM New York AM New York
Spotlight: U.S. draws down forces in Germany, to chagrin of Congress, allies
Listen Spotlight: U.S. draws down forces in Germany, to chagrin of Congress, allies pronunciation
WASHINGTON, July 29 (Xinhua) -- The White House announced Wednesday that it would withdraw roughly 11,900 U.S. troops from Germany, in a sweeping troop re-organization that has brought conde..View article
Xinhua Xinhua
Teachers called back to work a week early, much to the chagrin of NLTA
Listen Teachers called back to work a week early, much to the chagrin of NLTA pronunciation
Teachers in Newfoundland and Labrador will have to return to work a week early in September, causing some concern with the union over scheduling and notice. A notice from Education Minister..View article
CBC.ca CBC.ca
Chagrin Falls flooding
Listen Chagrin Falls flooding pronunciation
5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;} Flooding has closed an intersection in Chagrin Falls. Drivers are being asked to avoid the area near Monticello Dr. and Solon..View article
19 Action News 19 Action News
Chagrin Falls baseball: Jack McMullen commits to Lafayette College
Listen Chagrin Falls baseball: Jack McMullen commits to Lafayette College pronunciation
Chagrin Falls pitcher Jack McMullen identified a Division I baseball scholarship as his goal back in middle school. If McMullen achieved that objective, he seemed destined to play for one sc..View article
image-unavailable The News-Herald
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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