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    Meanings for certiorari

    It is a law term that refers to the petition given to the court for a review of the case.
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    a common law writ issued by a superior court to one of inferior jurisdiction demanding the record of a particular case
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    Learn more about the word "certiorari" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Examples of in a sentence

    What you can learn from opinions regarding the denial of certiorari
    Listen What you can learn from opinions regarding the denial of certiorari pronunciation
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    US Supreme Court Grants Certiorari In Cedar Point Nursery Versus Hassid
    Listen US Supreme Court Grants Certiorari In Cedar Point Nursery Versus Hassid pronunciation
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    Rep. Mike Kelly and plaintiffs ask SCOTUS for writ of Certiorari in Pennsylvania mail ballot case
    Listen Rep. Mike Kelly and plaintiffs ask SCOTUS for writ of Certiorari in Pennsylvania mail ballot case pronunciation
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    On Friday Oklahoma filed a petition for certiorari before judgment, asking to have its challenge to the availability of tax subsidies for its residents who purchase health insurance on an exchange established by the federal government reviewed when the Court hears oral argument next year in King v
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    The court has appellate jurisdiction only, except for the power to issue writs of mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari, injunction and other original and remedial writs.
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    Trending news on certiorari

    Viamedia Files Brief in Opposition to Comcast’s Petition to U.S. Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari
    Listen Viamedia Files Brief in Opposition to Comcast’s Petition to U.S. Supreme Court for Writ of Certiorari pronunciation
    Viamedia, the leading cross-media local advertising company, today filed a brief in opposition to Comcast’s September 2020 petition to the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari in Viam..View article
    image-unavailable Yahoo! News
    US Supreme Court Grants Certiorari In Cedar Point Nursery Versus Hassid
    Listen US Supreme Court Grants Certiorari In Cedar Point Nursery Versus Hassid pronunciation
    The case challenges current union power in the nearly $50 billion dollar California agricultural industry. The case brings to question a regulation allowing union organizers to access agricu..View article
    image-unavailable Haute Living
    What you can learn from opinions regarding the denial of certiorari
    Listen What you can learn from opinions regarding the denial of certiorari pronunciation
    Today’s order list from the Court included three opinions respecting the denial of certiorari – i.e., denials of review in which the Justices felt strongly enough about the issue that they w..View article
    image-unavailable SCOTUSblog
    Rep. Mike Kelly and plaintiffs ask SCOTUS for writ of Certiorari in Pennsylvania mail ballot case
    Listen Rep. Mike Kelly and plaintiffs ask SCOTUS for writ of Certiorari in Pennsylvania mail ballot case pronunciation
    Congressman Mike Kelly (PA-16) issued the following statement regarding his lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Act 77’s no-excuse mail-in system: “ ​Despite media headlines, our la..View article
    yourerie.com yourerie.com

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