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Central Asia

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Meanings for Central Asia

It is another name of the region Middle Asia that is bounded by Caspian Sea, China, Mongolia, and Afghanistan and its lies in the Northern Hemisphere.
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Examples of in a sentence

The area between the southern border of Siberia and the margin of the temperate alpine zone of the Himalaya and north China, comprising what are commonly called central Asia, Turkestan, Mongolia and western Manchuria, is an almost rainless region, having winters of extreme severity and summers of in
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Years of the Rat, of the Tiger, of the Pig, still figure in the almanacs of Central Asia, Cochin China and Japan.
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In 1867 he became governor of Turkestan, and held the post until his death, making himself a name in the expansion of the empire in central Asia.
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Six years later began the rapid expansion of Russia in Central Asia, and at the end xxiii.
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(2) A Turkish vilayet in north-central Asia Minor, which includes most of the ancient Galatia.
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Translations of Central Asia

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