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IPA : kɔːˈzeɪʃn
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Phonetic spelling of causation

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Meanings for causation

It is a noun that denotes the act of causing something to happen.
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Synonyms for causation

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Examples of in a sentence

Texas Supreme Court offers causation guidance in mesothelioma cases
Listen Texas Supreme Court offers causation guidance in mesothelioma cases  pronunciation
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The melancholy incident illustrates several points of interest: (1) the correctness of the bacterial theory of causation, and the identity of the bacillus pestis as the cause; (2) the infectious character of the pneumonic type of disease; (3) its high fatality; (4) the difficulty of diagnosis.
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In the subject of diseases of the skin much has been done, in the minuter observation of their forms, in the description of forms previously unrecognized, and in respect of bacterial and other causation and of treatment.
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From the time of Hippocrates onwards the malarial or periodical fevers have engaged the attention of innumerable observers, who have suggested various theories of causation, and have sometimes anticipated - vaguely, indeed, but with surprising accuracy - the results of modern research; but the true
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On the other hand, not a few disorders proved to be alien to classes to which narrower views of causation had referred them; of such are tabes dorsalis, neuritis, infantile palsy or tetanus, now removed from the category of primary nervous diseases and placed in one or other of the class of infectio
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causation should be in sentence

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Translations of causation

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