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IPA : kɔːl
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Meanings for caul

net or similar covering for the head; afterbirth
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part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and to the colon and covering the intestines
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the inner embryonic membrane of higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth)
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Wiki content for caul

Caul - A caul or cowl (Latin: Caput galeatum, literally, "helmeted head") is a piece of membrane that can cover a newborn's head and face.
Cauliflower - Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae.
Cauliflower ear - Cauliflower ear is an irreversible condition that occurs when the external portion of the ear is hit and develops a blood clot or other collection of fluid under the perichondrium.
Cauliflower Alley Club - The Cauliflower Alley Club is a non-profit fraternal organization, which includes a newsletter and website, comprising both retired and active professional wrestlers and boxers in North Ameri
Cauley Woodrow - Cauley Woodrow (born 2 December 1994) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Championship club Barnsley.
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Examples of in a sentence

2006 U.S. Congressional Elections
Listen 2006 U.S. Congressional Elections pronunciation
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Second baseman Brandon McGinnis of the Manitou Thunderbirds was a shade late with this tag on the successful steal attempt by the Sight & Sound Wolves’ Aaron Caul during the sixth inning of last night’s Rainy River District Fastball League all-star game at the St
50 ratings rating ratings
Baby Born En Caul, Still In Amniotic Sac, In Car Seat: Photos
Listen Baby Born En Caul, Still In Amniotic Sac, In Car Seat: Photos pronunciation
42 ratings rating ratings
Insane about the membrane: caul fat is pretty, delicious and popular
Listen Insane about the membrane: caul fat is pretty, delicious and popular pronunciation
38 ratings rating ratings
En Caul Birth Myths: Rare Video Shows Baby Born With Amniotic Sac
Listen En Caul Birth Myths: Rare Video Shows Baby Born With Amniotic Sac pronunciation
35 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of caul

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Trending news on caul

Insane about the membrane: caul fat is pretty, delicious and popular
Listen Insane about the membrane: caul fat is pretty, delicious and popular pronunciation
Chewing the fat: caul fat being used as a casing for sheftalia sausages at Éla Greek restaurant at St John of Hackney Brewery, east London. Photograph: Wayne Douglas The heatwave is dead, lo..View article
The Guardian The Guardian
En Caul Birth Myths: Rare Video Shows Baby Born With Amniotic Sac
Listen En Caul Birth Myths: Rare Video Shows Baby Born With Amniotic Sac pronunciation
Watch the video here. Fewer than one in 80,000 babies are born "en caul," when the sac of protective membranes which encases a baby in the womb does not break during birth. En caul births ar..View article
International Business Times International Business Times
Rare Caul Birth Photo Shows Infant Still Partially Enclosed in Amniotic Sac
Listen Rare Caul Birth Photo Shows Infant Still Partially Enclosed in Amniotic Sac pronunciation
A couple in Buffalo, New York, were surprised when their daughter Annabelle was born still partially enclosed in her amniotic sac, a phenomenon known as a caul birth. This rare occurrence is..View article
Newsweek Newsweek
This baby was born with a ‘lucky caul’ one minute before the eclipse
Listen This baby was born with a ‘lucky caul’ one minute before the eclipse pronunciation
Ali Gonzalez was born at West Valley Medical Center in Caldwell one minute before the solar eclipse began Monday. She was born with a "caul," or amniotic sac still covering her head, a rare..View article
Idaho Statesman Idaho Statesman
Baby Born En Caul, Still In Amniotic Sac, In Car Seat: Photos
Listen Baby Born En Caul, Still In Amniotic Sac, In Car Seat: Photos pronunciation
However, just 14 minutes into the car ride to the hospital, Scurry, 21, gave birth in the passenger seat to a baby boy still enclosed in his amniotic sac, known as an en caul birth. Accordin..View article
Medical Daily Medical Daily
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