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IPA : kæˈseɪʃn
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Meanings for cassation

It is a word, that refers to an informal instrumental composition of the 18th century,
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It is a word, that refers to an informal instrumental composition of the 18th century.
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Examples of in a sentence

In view of the apparent likelihood that the judges of the criminal division of the court of cassation - who formed the ordinary tribunal for such an appeal - would decide in favour of Dreyfus, it was thought that M.
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It was not till the Cour de Cassation ordered a further investigation, and on the 12th of July 1906 decided that his conviction had been based on a forgery and that Dreyfus was innocent, that the agitation came to a final conclusion.
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The court of cassation quashed the sentence, through defect of form, but sent Babeuf for a new trial before the Aisne tribunal, by which he was acquitted on the 18th of July.
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The courts of appeal and cassation, too, often have more than they can do; in the year 1907 the court of cassation at Rome decided 948 appeals on points of law in civil cases, while no fewer than 460 remained to be decided.
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The highest tribunal in France is the cour de cassation, sitting at Paris, and consisting of a first president, three, sectional presidents and forty-five conseillers, with a ministerial staff (parquet) consisting of a procureur-general and six advocatesgeneral.
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