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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɑːvə
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    Meanings for Carver

    George Washington Carver was an black American prominent agricultural scientist and inventor for crops and soil
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    Wiki content for Carver

    Carver - Carver may refer to:
    Carver County, Minnesota - Carver County is a county in the U.S. state of Minnesota. As of the 2010 United States Census, the population was 91,042. Its county seat is Chaska.
    Carver Mead - Carver Andress Mead (born 1 May 1934) is an American scientist and engineer. He currently holds the position of Gordon and Betty Moore Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Science at
    Carver (automotive company) - Carver Europe B.V. is a Dutch automotive company that develops and manufactures three-wheeled enclosed man-wide vehicles.
    Carver, Massachusetts - Carver is a town in Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 11,509 at the 2010 census.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Wabash MPI and Carver, Inc. Exhibiting at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference
    60 ratings rating ratings
    Debate over funding Carver community pool
    55 ratings rating ratings
    Tim Walton remains a Carver Tiger
    50 ratings rating ratings
    'Freakish' 2016 Carver LB Lyndell Wilson has Auburn, Alabama on long offer list
    46 ratings rating ratings
    George Washington Carver: A man of deep faith
    Listen George Washington Carver: A man of deep faith pronunciation
    41 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on Carver

    The last carver of Mount Rushmore dies at 98
    Listen The last carver of Mount Rushmore dies at 98 pronunciation
    Nick Clifford, the last remaining carver of Mount Rushmore, died Saturday morning according to a relative. Clifford was the last living carver of Mount Rushmore for the last 12 years. Cliffo..View article
    Last carver of Mount Rushmore died at 98
    Listen Last carver of Mount Rushmore died at 98 pronunciation
    RAPID CITY, S.D., (WHTM) — Nick Clifford, the last remaining carver of Mount Rushmore died Saturday morning, according to a relative. Mount Rushmore features the faces of presidents George W..View article
    abc27.com abc27.com
    Last remaining carver of Mount Rushmore has died
    Listen Last remaining carver of Mount Rushmore has died pronunciation
    RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA TV) - Nick Clifford, the last remaining carver of Mount Rushmore, has died at the age of 98. A source close to the family said Clifford passed away Saturday morning. A..View article
    Nick Clifford, last surviving Mount Rushmore carver, dead at 98
    Listen Nick Clifford, last surviving Mount Rushmore carver, dead at 98 pronunciation
    Donald Leo "Nick" Clifford, the last surviving worker who participated in the carving of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, died Saturday, the Rapid City Journal reported. He was 98. Clif..View article
    Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Carver starts fast, leaves little to chance in rout of Lusher
    Listen Carver starts fast, leaves little to chance in rout of Lusher pronunciation
    To say that Carver’s 56-14 win over Lusher on Thursday at Joe Brown Stadium was a complete victory would be an understatement. The Rams scored 42 points in the first quarter alone to move th..View article
    NOLA.com NOLA.com
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