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Pronunciation of Carven with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkɑːvən
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Phonetic spelling of Carven

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Meanings for Carven

A former French designer, who is known for her petite women fashionable collection.
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Wiki content for Carven

C. arvensis - C. arvensis may refer to:
C. arvense - C. arvense may refer to:
Carver County, Minnesota - Carver County is a county in the U.S. state of Minnesota. As of the 2010 United States Census, the population was 91,042. Its county seat is Chaska.
Carmen Sandiego - Carmen Sandiego is a series of American educational mystery video games that spawned an edutainment franchise of the same name.
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Examples of in a sentence

Spring 2018 Ready-to-WearCarven
Listen Spring 2018 Ready-to-WearCarven pronunciation
132 ratings rating ratings
Meet Serge Ruffieux, the Bold New Designer Re-Inventing the French Fashion House Carven
Listen Meet Serge Ruffieux, the Bold New Designer Re-Inventing the French Fashion House Carven pronunciation
123 ratings rating ratings
Pre-Fall 2018Carven
Listen Pre-Fall 2018Carven pronunciation
114 ratings rating ratings
China’s Icicle Buys Carven
Listen China’s Icicle Buys Carven pronunciation
104 ratings rating ratings
Carven Creative Director Serge Ruffieux Steps Down After Just 3 Seasons
Listen Carven Creative Director Serge Ruffieux Steps Down After Just 3 Seasons pronunciation
95 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Carven

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Trending news on Carven

Marie-Louise Carven, fashion supremo - obituary
Listen Marie-Louise Carven, fashion supremo - obituary pronunciation
Marie-Louise Carven, who has died aged 105, was a French designer and founder of the fashion house Carven; she specialised in easy-to-wear designs which epitomised simple, French chic and we..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Launch of Carven's new fragrance for women, 'Dans Ma Bulle' - New exclusive international partnerships
Listen Launch of Carven's new fragrance for women, 'Dans Ma Bulle' - New exclusive international partnerships pronunciation
Bogart Group (Euronext Paris - Compartment B - FR0012872141 - JBOG), which specializes in the creation, manufacture and sale of luxury fragrances and cosmetics, has announced the launch of C..View article
ActusNews ActusNews
Cool turn for Carven as Icicle takes over storied brand
Listen Cool turn for Carven as Icicle takes over storied brand pronunciation
China's Icicle, a fashion firm that focuses on using natural fibres, was selected Friday to take fashion label Carven out of bankruptcy, lawyers for the storied French firm told AFP. Carven..View article
France 24 France 24
Chinese retailer Icicle buys ailing French couture label Carven
Listen Chinese retailer Icicle buys ailing French couture label Carven pronunciation
PARIS (Reuters) - Shanghai-based Icicle Fashion Group, a high-end retailer little known outside China, has bought French couture house Carven out of bankruptcy and said on Friday it plans to..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Serge Ruffieux expanding accessory offerings at Carven
Listen Serge Ruffieux expanding accessory offerings at Carven pronunciation
Serge Ruffieux is keen to expand the accessory offerings at Carven. The Swiss-born designer joined the French luxury brand last January (17) after a stint leading the creative teams at Chris..View article
image-unavailable sg.style.yahoo.com
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