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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkægɪvər
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Learn caregiver pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of caregiver in English

    Phonetic spelling of caregiver

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    Meanings for caregiver

    It is a term that is used to refer to a person who is responsible for attending to the needs of a child or independent adult.
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    Learn more about the word "caregiver" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Examples of in a sentence

    Nominations open for Dementia Spotlight Foundation’s Superhero Caregiver Awards
    Listen Nominations open for Dementia Spotlight Foundation’s Superhero Caregiver Awards pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Being a Caregiver
    Listen Being a Caregiver pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Family Caregiver Burnout: This Author's Personal Experience And Advice
    Listen Family Caregiver Burnout: This Author's Personal Experience And Advice pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Caring for the Caregiver with Respite Care Options
    Listen Caring for the Caregiver with Respite Care Options pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Caregiver Story: Lindsay Hochsprung
    Listen Caregiver Story: Lindsay Hochsprung pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on caregiver

    Nominations open for Dementia Spotlight Foundation’s Superhero Caregiver Awards
    Listen Nominations open for Dementia Spotlight Foundation’s Superhero Caregiver Awards pronunciation
    Diving deeper into the belief that all caregivers are remarkable real-life superheroes living among us, the Dementia Spotlight Superhero Caregiver Awards were created. This program launches..View article
    Minister Mendicino launches plan to accelerate caregiver application processing
    Listen Minister Mendicino launches plan to accelerate caregiver application processing pronunciation
    Six thousand caregiver applications will be prioritized by the end of 2021; 1,500 by June 30, 2021OTTAWA, ON, April 15, 2021 /CNW/ - Caregivers
    Business Insider Business Insider
    Nominate a selfless caregiver in the 5th annual Excellence in Caregiving Awards
    Listen Nominate a selfless caregiver in the 5th annual Excellence in Caregiving Awards pronunciation
    Do you know a compassionate caregiver who goes above and beyond to help an individual or group of people with special needs?
    Cops: Caregiver, husband stole from bedridden man
    Listen Cops: Caregiver, husband stole from bedridden man pronunciation
    A home caregiver and her husband were charged Tuesday with racking up thousands of dollars of expenses using the financial cards of a bed-ridden elderly man. Tiffany Shotwell, 30, and Shawn..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Why can't my son, my 40-year-old caregiver, get vaccinated?
    Listen Why can't my son, my 40-year-old caregiver, get vaccinated? pronunciation
    My son lives with me to care for me. But he is 40 years old, and can't get vaccinated. Why can't he get the vaccine as my caregiver? We were waiting to get it together, but I'm thinking of d..View article
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