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carboxyl group

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Phonetic spelling of carboxyl group

car-boxyl group
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Meanings for carboxyl group

It is an organic chemical compound that contains a double-bonded carbon atom with one oxygen and one hydrogen.
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Synonyms for carboxyl group

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Quiz on carboxyl group


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Examples of in a sentence

The carboxyl group constitutes another convenient startingpoint for the orientation of many types of organic compounds.
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A third hydroxyl group may be introduced into the - CH: 0 residue with the formation of the radical - C(OH) :0; this is known as the carboxyl group, and characterizes the organic acids.
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Hence the positions occupied by the nitro groups in the two different nitrobrombenzoic acids must be symmetrical with respect to the carboxyl group. In 1879, Hubner (Ann., 1 95, p. 4) proved the equivalence of the second pair, viz.
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This theory explains the fluorescence of anthranilic acid (o-aminobenzoic acid), by regarding the aniline residue as the luminophore, and the carboxyl group as the fluorogen, since, apparently, the introduction of the latter into the non-fluorescent aniline molecule involves the production of a fluo
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It is necessary clearly to distinguish such compounds as the amino- (or amido-) acids and acid-amides; in the first case the amino group is substituted in the hydrocarbon residue, in the second it is substituted in the carboxyl group.
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Translations of carboxyl group

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