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Meanings for Capita

A British Business process outsourcing company that was founded in 1984.
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Examples of in a sentence

Capita Announce Their Delivering Patient and Person Centred Care Conference ...
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623 billion) and debt burden per capita was P46,377 ($1,049 for each of 94 million Filipinos)
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South of Unter den Linden lies the Friedrichstadt, with its parallel lines of straight streets, including the Behren-strasse - (the seat of finance) - the Wilhelmstrasse, with the palace of the imperial chancellor, the British embassy, and many government offices - the official quarter of the capita
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Blecher (De Extispicio Capita Tria, Giessen, 1905, pp. 3-22) has recently collected most of the references in Greek and Latin authors to animal divination, and an examination of these shows conclusively that, although the general term used for the inspection of the sacrificial animal was iera or ier
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The telegraph companies proposed to effect an amalgamation so as to enable the services to be consolidated and extended, and they proposed to submit to various conditions for the protection of the public, such as maximum rates and limitation of dividends, with the provision that new issues of capita
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