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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kəˈpelə
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Wiki content for capella

Capella - Capella , designated α Aurigae (Latinized to Alpha Aurigae, abbreviated Alpha Aur, α Aur), is the brightest star in the constellation of Auriga, the sixth-brightest star in the night sky, and
Capella University - Capella University is a for-profit, online university headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The school is owned by the publicly traded Strategic Education, Inc.
Capella (engineering) - Capella is an open-source solution for model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Hosted at polarsys.org, this solution provides a process and tooling for graphical modeling of systems, hardware
Capella (notation program) - capella is a musical notation program or scorewriter developed by the German company Capella Software AG (formerly WHC), running on Microsoft Windows or corresponding emulators in other opera
Capella, Queensland - Capella is a small town and locality in the Central Highlands Region, Queensland, Australia. In the 2016 census, Capella had a population of 1,010 people.
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Examples of in a sentence

AMD files antitrust lawsuit against Intel in US federal district court
Listen AMD files antitrust lawsuit against Intel in US federal district court pronunciation
34 ratings rating ratings
Van Canto's Stefan Schmidt on a capella metal, Wacken, Nightwish, piracy & more
Listen Van Canto's Stefan Schmidt on a capella metal, Wacken, Nightwish, piracy & more pronunciation
31 ratings rating ratings
Capella Cantorum to hold Summer Sings; season of concerts announced
29 ratings rating ratings
Ragan '16 talks summer a capella, first shows
26 ratings rating ratings
Kerry Washington relives her high school a capella group on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live'
24 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on capella

Capella joins SpaceNet, shares first radar data with consortium
Listen Capella joins SpaceNet, shares first radar data with consortium pronunciation
Capella Space launched its first tech demo SAR satellite in December 2018, with plans to ultimately operate a 36-satellite constellation. Credit: Capella Space SAN FRANCISCO – Capella Space,..View article
SpaceNews SpaceNews
Camp Capella raises money with "Touch-A-Truck" for campers
Listen Camp Capella raises money with "Touch-A-Truck" for campers pronunciation
HERMON, Maine (WABI)-Trucks of all varieties could be found at Speedway 95 in Hermon Today. Camp Capella hosted its 9th annual Touch-A-Truck event. All proceeds went towards Camp Capella to..View article
A Capella Groups Raise Awareness for Childhood Cancer
Listen A Capella Groups Raise Awareness for Childhood Cancer pronunciation
Partnered with The Morgan Center, a preschool for children with cancer, and hosted by The Acoustics, Acapellafest presented performances by Boston College’s a capella groups: The Bostonians,..View article
BC Heights BC Heights
Space to pursue dreams shines at Capella
Listen Space to pursue dreams shines at Capella pronunciation
For Monica Baehr, a Mount Royal University psychology instructor and her now-retired husband, moving from their tiny wartime home in West Hillhurst to Brookfield Residential’s Capella in Uni..View article
Calgary Herald Calgary Herald
The Whiffenpoofs, America's oldest collegiate a capella group, singing in Charleston
Listen The Whiffenpoofs, America's oldest collegiate a capella group, singing in Charleston pronunciation
Cole Porter was a former member. The current members of the a capella group, once all-male but now accepting women vocalists, will be wearing their signature white gloves and tuxedos while s..View article
The Post and Courier The Post and Courier
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