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Phonetic spelling of Candra

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Meanings for Candra

A feminine name that is of Latin origin.
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Wiki content for Candra

Candra Wijaya - Rafael Candra Wijaya (Chinese: 陳甲亮; born 16 September 1975) is a retired Indonesian badminton player.
Candra (comics) - Candra, sometimes called Kandra, is a fictional character, a mutant supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
Candra Naya - Candra Naya (Hokkien: Sin Ming Hui) is an 18th-century historic building in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was home to the Khouw family of Tamboen, most notably its highest-ranking member: Khouw Kim
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Examples of in a sentence

OYO 1927 Hotel Candra Adigraha
Listen OYO 1927 Hotel Candra Adigraha pronunciation
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Is X-Men Villain Candra Set To Feature In Gambit?
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Gamelan Candra Wyoga to Perform at UW Sept. 13
Listen Gamelan Candra Wyoga to Perform at UW Sept. 13 pronunciation
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'Wanted' Candra Johnson arrested in Woolwich Township
Listen 'Wanted' Candra Johnson arrested in Woolwich Township pronunciation
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Traveling through time with Candra Darusman
Listen Traveling through time with Candra Darusman pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Candra

OYO 1927 Hotel Candra Adigraha
Listen OYO 1927 Hotel Candra Adigraha pronunciation
No reviews found. Try removing a filter, changing your search, or clear all to view reviews. OYO 1927 Hotel Candra Adigraha is located at Jl. Nangka 37/57 Denpasar in Denpasar Utara (North),..View article
Kayak.com Kayak.com
Is X-Men Villain Candra Set To Feature In Gambit?
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Gamelan Candra Wyoga to Perform at UW Sept. 13
Listen Gamelan Candra Wyoga to Perform at UW Sept. 13 pronunciation
Gamelan Candra Wyoga, Wyoming’s Balinese music ensemble, will perform Thursday, Sept. 13, at the University of Wyoming. The free public event will take place at noon on Simpson Plaza in fron..View article
University of Wyoming University of Wyoming
'Wanted' Candra Johnson arrested in Woolwich Township
Listen 'Wanted' Candra Johnson arrested in Woolwich Township pronunciation
Candra L. Johnson, 29, of Swedesboro, wanted for failure to appear in court on drug charges, was arrested by Woolwich Township police Monday morning. Johnson appeared as Gloucester County's..View article
NJ.com NJ.com
Traveling through time with Candra Darusman
Listen Traveling through time with Candra Darusman pronunciation
Candra Darusman, the singer-songwriter behind bands such as Chaseiro and Karimata, in addition to his solo works, is an artist whose music has been reinterpreted in this way. March saw the r..View article
The Jakarta Post The Jakarta Post
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