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Canary Islands

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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kəˈneərɪ ˈaɪləndz
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Phonetic spelling of Canary Islands

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Meanings for Canary Islands

a group of mountainous islands in the Atlantic off the northwest coast of Africa forming Spanish provinces
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Synonyms for Canary Islands

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Quiz on Canary Islands


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Examples of in a sentence

Quakes push Canary Islands up eleven centimetres
Listen Quakes push Canary Islands up eleven centimetres pronunciation
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The Canarian authorities, representatives of environmental organizations and leftist movements descended on the building of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, demanding a ban on exploration of oil and gas off the coast of the Canary Islands, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported
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Majority in Spain's Canary Islands Oppose Oil Exploration: Poll
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A small military post had existed there since 1717, but efforts to create a town had been fruitless until Zabala offered to make hidalgos of the first settlers and to give them cattle and sheep. The first families to accept this offer came from the Canary Islands in 1726 under the direction of Don F
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A similar sombre hue distinguishes the peculiar chaffinch of the Canary Islands (Fringilla teydea), but to these islands as well as the Azores and Madeiras there belongs in common another chaffinch (F.
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