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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkæmpɪən
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Wiki content for Campion

Campion - Campion may refer to:
Campione! - Campione! (カンピオーネ!, Kanpiōne!, from Italian for "Champion!") is a Japanese light novel series written by Jō Taketsuki and illustrated by Sikorski.
Campion School, Mumbai - Campion School is a public school for boys located at 13, Cooperage Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Established in 1943 by Jesuit Fr.
Campione d'Italia - Campione d'Italia (Comasco: Campiùn, pronounced [kãˈp(j)ũː]) is a comune of the Province of Como in the Lombardy region of Italy and an exclave surrounded by the Swiss canton of Ticino.
Campion Hall - Campion Hall is one of the Permanent Private Halls of the University of Oxford in England. It is run by the Society of Jesus and named after St.
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Examples of in a sentence

He had already shown his talents as a speaker at the funeral of Amy Robsart in 1560; and when Sir Thomas White, the founder of the college, was buried in 1564, the Latin oration fell to the lot of Campion.
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During his term of office there took place the troubles in Rome concerning the English college and the subsequent Jesuit rule over that institution; and in 1580 the first Jesuit mission, headed by the redoubtable Robert Parsons and the saintly Edmund Campion, set out for England.
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CRICKET: Campion's 94 gives Colwyn Bay win over Formby
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Cristal, Maybach, Diamonds on Your Timepiece: Emma Campion's A Triple Knot
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Listen Hubble Space Telescope's main camera stops working pronunciation
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