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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kæmˈpeɪn kæmˈpeɪn
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Examples of in a sentence

'Birther King' announces 2016 campaign for U.S. president
54 ratings rating ratings
On the campaign trail in the USA, August 2016
Listen On the campaign trail in the USA, August 2016 pronunciation
50 ratings rating ratings
On the campaign trail, June 2012
Listen On the campaign trail, June 2012 pronunciation
46 ratings rating ratings
Obama and Romney enter final stretch in campaign for US Presidency
Listen Obama and Romney enter final stretch in campaign for US Presidency pronunciation
42 ratings rating ratings
O’Rourke ends US presidential bid
Listen O’Rourke ends US presidential bid pronunciation
39 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on campaign

Warren’s Presidential Campaign Says It Faces Fundraising Decline
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign has raised $17 million since October, putting her on pace to bring in $5 million less in the final quarter of the year than she did in the previous quarter,..View article
Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal
The 2016 Campaign Never Ended
Americans may feel as though Christmas lasts forever, but at worst the holiday spreads out over two months, from Halloween until January 2. We do, however, have one truly endless season: cam..View article
The Atlantic The Atlantic
Michael Bloomberg revs up Texas campaign with big plans
by Alex Samuels and Patrick Svitek Dec. 28, 2019 6 PM Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is ramping up his efforts in Texas, with plans to build a state operation that his c..View article
Texas Tribune Texas Tribune
Biden reveals deep bench of campaign bundlers
Joe Biden released the names of more than 200 people and couples who are raising money for his presidential campaign, a list that includes a number of big names in Democratic money like Holl..View article
Politico Politico
'Don't touch kids, you pervert!': Biden slammed by protesters at campaign rally
Several audience members at Joe Biden's 2020 campaign rally in Milford, New Hampshire, lashed out at the former vice president, calling him a number of insults, including "pervert" and "quid..View article
Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
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