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Pronunciation of Cameroon with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : kæməˈruːn ˌkæməˈruːn
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Phonetic spelling of Cameroon

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Meanings for Cameroon

It is a country in Central Africa that is known to be one of the countries with the highest literacy rates.
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Synonyms for Cameroon

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Quiz on Cameroon


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Collections on Cameroon

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Wiki content for Cameroon

Cameroon - Cameroon ( (listen); French: Cameroun), officially the Republic of Cameroon (French: République du Cameroun), is a country in Central Africa.
Cameroon national football team - The Cameroon national football team, nicknamed in French Les Lions Indomptables (The Indomitable Lions or Untameable Lions), is the national team of Cameroon.
Cameroon at the FIFA World Cup - The FIFA World Cup, sometimes called the Football World Cup or the Soccer World Cup, but usually referred to simply as the World Cup, is an international association football competition cont
Cameroon line - The Cameroon line is a 1,600 km (990 mi) chain of volcanoes.
Cameroon women's national football team - The Cameroon national women's football team, also known as the Indomitable Lionesses, is the national team of Cameroon and is controlled by the Cameroon Football Association.
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Examples of in a sentence

Cameroon: 737 billion FCFA in revenue collected in the first half of 2014
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Cameroon: Bolloré Group reclassifies stake in SAFACAM
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Canal 2 Wins Cameroon Tribune Anniversary Cup
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Cameroon Travel Warning
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Chinese fishing boat hijacked off coast of Cameroon
Listen Chinese fishing boat hijacked off coast of Cameroon pronunciation
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Translations of Cameroon

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Antonyms for Cameroon

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