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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkæmɪəʊ
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    A leading American video-sharing website was created by Steven Galanis in 2017.
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    Wiki content for cameo

    Cameo - Cameo or CAMEO may refer to:
    Cameo appearance - A cameo role or cameo appearance (; often shortened to just cameo) is a brief appearance or voice part of a well known person in a work of the performing arts.
    Cameo (carving) - Cameo () is a method of carving an object such as an engraved gem, item of jewellery or vessel. It nearly always features a raised (positive) relief image; contrast with intaglio, which has a
    Cameo (band) - Cameo is an American soul-influenced funk group that formed in 1974. Cameo was initially a 14-member group known as the New York City Players; this name was later changed to Cameo to avoid be
    Cameo Theater - The Cameo Theatre was built in 1936 and is located at 1445 Washington Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida. The Cameo has a long history and was a major venue for punk and hardcore acts beginning i
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Casting and Cameo Groups Announced for Free Public Works' Musical ...
    57 ratings rating ratings
    They’ve been around so long that they’re now the Middle-Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles, and their ’80s vibe — cowabunga, dude! — is so strong that I kept expecting a cameo
    52 ratings rating ratings
    'Fast and Furious 7' Release Date, Cast News: Vin Diesel Reveals Azalea Cameo
    48 ratings rating ratings
    Snapchat launching deepfake ‘Cameo’ feature this month for editing your face into GIFs
    Listen Snapchat launching deepfake ‘Cameo’ feature this month for editing your face into GIFs pronunciation
    43 ratings rating ratings
    A more realistic Bitmoji? Snapchat is working on a tool called Cameo that uses deepfake technology
    Listen A more realistic Bitmoji? Snapchat is working on a tool called Cameo that uses deepfake technology pronunciation
    38 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on cameo

    A more realistic Bitmoji? Snapchat is working on a tool called Cameo that uses deepfake technology
    Listen A more realistic Bitmoji? Snapchat is working on a tool called Cameo that uses deepfake technology pronunciation
    The new deepfake technology would further differentiate Snapchat from its rivals Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
    USA TODAY on MSN.com USA TODAY on MSN.com
    Snapchat Cameo will edit people’s faces into GIFs for harmless deepfakes
    Listen Snapchat Cameo will edit people’s faces into GIFs for harmless deepfakes pronunciation
    Snapchat’s messaging component remains its most popular feature, and Snapchat Cameos will provide users with more reasons to stay within the app. The feature also presents potential earnings..View article
    Digital Trends Digital Trends
    Every single cameo on The CW's 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' crossover, so far
    Listen Every single cameo on The CW's 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' crossover, so far pronunciation
    The Arrowverse's highly-anticipated superhero event kicked off on Sunday and included a few unexpected appearances from notable stars.
    Business Insider Business Insider
    Snapchat's Cameo test slips your face into GIFs
    Listen Snapchat's Cameo test slips your face into GIFs pronunciation
    Snap might have found a way to bridge those two worlds. The company has confirmed to TechCrunch that it's testing a Cameo feature which inserts your face into a selection of (currently pre-m..View article
    Engadget Engadget
    Snapchat 'Cameo' Feature Puts Your Face Into Videos: Best Deepfake App Yet?
    Listen Snapchat 'Cameo' Feature Puts Your Face Into Videos: Best Deepfake App Yet? pronunciation
    Popular multimedia messaging app Snapchat is testing a new feature called “Cameo.” The new feature essentially acts like low-budget deepfake technology: it essentially edits a person's face..View article
    International Business Times International Business Times
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