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IPA : kəˈmiːlɪəz
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Meanings for camellias

It is the scientific name of flowering plants in the family Theaceae and it is predominantly found in Japan.
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Examples of in a sentence

Policies can end almost all direct-selling pines magnolias and camellias had workers ' compensation insurance.
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From very early spring there is dramatic color to be enjoyed in the huge magnolias and the vast array of Camellias.
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Be sure to the best investment pines magnolias and camellias.
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When the greenhouse is not to be used during the summer months, camellias, azaleas and plants of that character should be set out of doors under partial shade; but most of the other plants usually grown in the conservatory or window garden in winter may be set in the open border.
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Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata (in English, a close approximation would mean “the fallen woman”) was based on Alexandre Dumas the younger’s La Dame aux Camellias , the story of Violetta, a consumptive courtesan who falls deeply in love with a young man , Alfredo
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