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Pronunciation of camber with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkæmbə* ˈkæmbə
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Phonetic spelling of camber

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Meanings for camber

slight arch or convexity to a beam or deck of a ship
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curve upward in the middle
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a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)
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the alignment of the wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the bottom than at the top
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Wiki content for camber

Examples of in a sentence

There is a coaling jetty and camber for the storage of both sea-borne and land-borne coal, with hydraulic appliances for handling it.
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- In order that a girder may become straight under its working load it should be constructed with a camber or upward convexity equal to the calculated deflection.
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Gary Marshall admits attack at Camber Sands holiday park
Listen Gary Marshall admits attack at Camber Sands holiday park pronunciation
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'Unprecedented’ crowds expected at Camber Sands beach
Listen 'Unprecedented’ crowds expected at Camber Sands beach pronunciation
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The best cheap holiday homes in Camber Sands and Rye for summer 2020 from just £7pp a night
Listen The best cheap holiday homes in Camber Sands and Rye for summer 2020 from just £7pp a night pronunciation
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Trending news on camber

'Unprecedented’ crowds expected at Camber Sands beach
Listen 'Unprecedented’ crowds expected at Camber Sands beach pronunciation
UNPREDECNETED’ crowds of up to 25,000 people who are expected to descend on a beach has prompted a huge police response.
The Argus The Argus
The best cheap holiday homes in Camber Sands and Rye for summer 2020 from just £7pp a night
Listen The best cheap holiday homes in Camber Sands and Rye for summer 2020 from just £7pp a night pronunciation
FAMILIES in need of a holiday can still grab bargain last minute deals for the summer this year. Camber Sands in Rye is a popular location, just under two hours from London, for Brits who wa..View article
The Sun The Sun
Camber, Partner Land $50M Loan for Bronx Supportive Housing
Listen Camber, Partner Land $50M Loan for Bronx Supportive Housing pronunciation
Camber Property Group and Westhab have secured approximately $50 million in financing to build a supportive housing development in the Bronx. The project has already begun construction and i..View article
Multi-Housing News Multi-Housing News
Camber Property and nonprofit buy Bronx housing complex for $71M
Listen Camber Property and nonprofit buy Bronx housing complex for $71M pronunciation
Settlement Housing will serve as the Housing Development Fund Corporation (HDFC), while the ownership team will be a joint venture called Stevenson Commons Affordable LLC, consisting of Camb..View article
The Real Deal The Real Deal
C2 Corvette "Camber Boat" Looks Like It's Floating on Asphalt
Listen C2 Corvette "Camber Boat" Looks Like It's Floating on Asphalt pronunciation
Otherwise, speed humps would turn into launching pads. The Corvette rendering not only has lowered suspension but also negative camber, which we can only presume is coming from the Japanese..View article
autoevolution.com autoevolution.com
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camber pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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