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Meanings for Callas

A popular American-Greek soprano, who gained immense recognition for her album song Lucia di Lammer.
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Wiki content for Callas

Callas Forever - Callas Forever is a 2002 biographical film directed by Franco Zeffirelli, who co-wrote the screenplay with Martin Sherman.
Callosobruchus - Callosobruchus is a genus of beetles in the family Chrysomelidae, the leaf beetles. It is in the subfamily Bruchinae, the bean weevils.
Callasopia - Callasopia is a genus of snout moths. It was described by Heinrich Benno Möschler in 1890, and contains the species Callasopia rosealis.
Callas Sweet Shop - The Callas Sweet Shop, at 420 Frederica Ave. in Owensboro, Kentucky was built in Beaux Arts style in 1921. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.Its National Regi
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Examples of in a sentence

L'homme qui a détruit leur vie: Maria Callas et Onassis, un souffle de vie et de mort
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In The Footsteps Of Maria Callas
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Pacific callas Suppliers of premium quality calla lily bulbs from the world's best calla lily growers.
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Documentary Reveals The Depth And Complexity Of Opera Star Maria Callas
Listen Documentary Reveals The Depth And Complexity Of Opera Star Maria Callas pronunciation
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'Callas in Concert' wows audience members in Chicago
Listen 'Callas in Concert' wows audience members in Chicago pronunciation
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Translations of Callas

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Trending news on Callas

Raising The Dead — And A Few Questions — With Maria Callas' Hologram
Listen Raising The Dead — And A Few Questions — With Maria Callas' Hologram pronunciation
The irony couldn't have been more vivid when Maria Callas sang the words "The dead don't rise again from the grave," from Verdi's opera Macbeth, on stage Friday night at the Moss Arts Center..View article
Maria By Callas looks at the woman behind the legend
Listen Maria By Callas looks at the woman behind the legend pronunciation
“I would like to be Maria but there is the Callas that I have to live up to.” Director Tom Volf uses the 1970 televised interview as the anchor for his new film, Maria By Callas, a documenta..View article
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Legends: Maria Callas
Listen Legends: Maria Callas pronunciation
"There are two people in me," Callas declares in her interview with David Frost, "I would like to be Maria, but there is the Callas that I have to live up to." 41 years on from her untimely..View article
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Maria Callas hologram no substitute for real diva, but engaging nonetheless as concert event
Listen Maria Callas hologram no substitute for real diva, but engaging nonetheless as concert event pronunciation
As the most revered diva of her generation, the soprano known as “La Divina” was known for her scrupulous attention to conveying truth through her performances — so much so that her public r..View article
image-unavailable Chicago Sun-Times
Callas in Concert: The Hologram Tour
Listen Callas in Concert: The Hologram Tour pronunciation
If you have never seen a Hologram concert, it is a must see "bucket list." I attended the Callas in Concert: The Hologram Tour presented for one night only in association with the Los Angele..View article
USA Patch USA Patch
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