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Pronunciation of buttress with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbʌtrəs
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Phonetic spelling of buttress

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Meanings for buttress

It is an architecture term.
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Wiki content for buttress

Examples of in a sentence

Sequoia Financial Group Partners With Kudu Investment Management To Buttress Continued Growth
Listen Sequoia Financial Group Partners With Kudu Investment Management To Buttress Continued Growth pronunciation
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Buttress takes over from Purcell on £11m revamp of Preston’s Harris Museum
Listen Buttress takes over from Purcell on £11m revamp of Preston’s Harris Museum pronunciation
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Wolfgang Buttress wins Thames River View pop-up contest
Listen Wolfgang Buttress wins Thames River View pop-up contest pronunciation
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Buttress a Nest Egg With a Cash Stash
Listen Buttress a Nest Egg With a Cash Stash pronunciation
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China, Russia buttress multilateralism
Listen China, Russia buttress multilateralism pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on buttress

7.55B liters of oil marked as gov’t moves to buttress revenues
Listen 7.55B liters of oil marked as gov’t moves to buttress revenues pronunciation
About half a billion liters of oil products were marked tax-paid in the first half of May, allowing the government to collect a higher levy on imports and shore up revenues as the country ba..View article
image-unavailable Philippine Daily Inquirer
Encouraging biomass energy to buttress turn to renewables
Listen Encouraging biomass energy to buttress turn to renewables pronunciation
Biomass has the potential to be a critical portion of Vietnam’s renewable change. Le Thi Thoa, senior officer of the Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Markets in Vietnam proje..View article
image-unavailable Vietnamnet
BSP: Proposed FIST law to buttress PH banks even if bad loans double
Listen BSP: Proposed FIST law to buttress PH banks even if bad loans double pronunciation
The central bank will provide the local banking system with the support it needs to insulate itself from a buildup of bad loans that may result from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This wi..View article
image-unavailable Philippine Daily Inquirer
DoL proposes a fiduciary rule replacement that would buttress SEC’s Reg BI
Listen DoL proposes a fiduciary rule replacement that would buttress SEC’s Reg BI pronunciation
The Department of Labor, now led by the attorney who spearheaded the charge to vacate the fiduciary rule two years ago, is rolling out a replacement for the defunct regulation. The proposed..View article
image-unavailable Financial Planning
Sequoia Financial Group Partners With Kudu Investment Management To Buttress Continued Growth
Listen Sequoia Financial Group Partners With Kudu Investment Management To Buttress Continued Growth pronunciation
Sequoia Financial Group, LLC (Sequoia), a registered investment advisor with $4.7 billion in client assets, and Kudu Investment Management, LLC (Kudu), an independent provider of long-term c..View article
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