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Pronunciation of buttery with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbʌtərɪ
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Phonetic spelling of buttery

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Meanings for buttery

It is a noun term that means a storeroom for liquors.
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Wiki content for buttery

Buttery - Buttery may refer to:
Buttery (bread) - A buttery, also known as a roll, rowie, rollie, cookie or Aberdeen roll, is a savoury bread roll originating from Aberdeen, Scotland.
Buttery (room) - A buttery was originally a large cellar room under a monastery, in which food and drink were stored for the provisioning of strangers and passing guests.
Butteryhaugh - Butteryhaugh is a village in Northumberland, in England. It is situated a short distance to the south-east of Kielder.
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Examples of in a sentence

Easy, buttery Parker House rolls are perfect for Thanksgiving
Listen Easy, buttery Parker House rolls are perfect for Thanksgiving pronunciation
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Fingerstyle guitarists Guy Buttery, Konarak Reddy take the stage in Bengaluru
Listen Fingerstyle guitarists Guy Buttery, Konarak Reddy take the stage in Bengaluru pronunciation
32 ratings rating ratings
Bernie Sanders Flashes Buttery Jump Shot, Hits 5 In A Row!
Listen Bernie Sanders Flashes Buttery Jump Shot, Hits 5 In A Row! pronunciation
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Buttery steaks and superior sukiyaki at Yakinikuu
Listen Buttery steaks and superior sukiyaki at Yakinikuu pronunciation
27 ratings rating ratings
Rachel Allen: 'The smell of sweet, buttery cakes brings me home'
Listen Rachel Allen: 'The smell of sweet, buttery cakes brings me home' pronunciation
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Translations of buttery

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Trending news on buttery

Cheesecake: Best Creamy And Buttery Cheesecakes To Try In Mumbai
Listen Cheesecake: Best Creamy And Buttery Cheesecakes To Try In Mumbai pronunciation
Do you remember the time when Rachel and Chandler from F.R.I.E.N.D.S stole a cheesecake and binged over it shamelessly? They were so driven by the creamy cheesecake with a buttery graham cru..View article
RepublicWorld RepublicWorld
Sydney’s Peanut Butter Bar Is Going Nuts With a New Look and Even More Peanut Buttery Menu
Listen Sydney’s Peanut Butter Bar Is Going Nuts With a New Look and Even More Peanut Buttery Menu pronunciation
Peanut butter fans went nuts in 2017 when Sydney’s first diner devoted to the salty-sweet spread opened in Leichhardt. The aptly named Peanut Butter Bar promised to use peanut butter in ever..View article
Broadsheet Broadsheet
Buttery, deep-fried festival food remains driving lure for fair-goers
Listen Buttery, deep-fried festival food remains driving lure for fair-goers pronunciation
There were many variations on the peanut this year. The best ones, the deep-fried PB&J and honey nut puffs, are still fairly new menu items but word is getting out about their delightful, pe..View article
Dothan Eagle Dothan Eagle
Make This Buttery, Creamy White Bean Pasta
Listen Make This Buttery, Creamy White Bean Pasta pronunciation
This weekend, make cannellini-bean pasta with beurre blanc (above) — our most popular recipe right now — mayo-marinated chicken, fluffy Cheddar biscuits or any of the recipes in the collecti..View article
nytimes.com nytimes.com
This recipe for caramel pear crisp gives you more of what you want: buttery crunch
Listen This recipe for caramel pear crisp gives you more of what you want: buttery crunch pronunciation
It’s perfect for surprise guests or an impatient craving for a warm, from-scratch dessert. Bartlett pears start on the stovetop in bubbling buttery sugar, softening a touch before baking und..View article
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
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