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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbɜːnɪŋ
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    Video Pronunciation of burning in English

    Phonetic spelling of burning

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    Meanings for burning

    It emits light as a result of being heated to a high temperature
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    Learn more about the word "burning" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Wiki content for burning

    Examples of in a sentence

    The emission of light by a solid that has been heated until it glows or emits light.
    0 rating rating ratings
    School accused of major PR fail after burning effigy of Greta Thunberg
    Listen School accused of major PR fail after burning effigy of Greta Thunberg pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Burning is the slickest film about climate change since An Inconvenient Truth – and that’s its problem
    Listen Burning is the slickest film about climate change since An Inconvenient Truth – and that’s its problem pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Open burning of waste: time for urgent action
    Listen Open burning of waste: time for urgent action pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Firefighter suffers burns rescuing people from burning building
    Listen Firefighter suffers burns rescuing people from burning building pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
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    Trending news on burning

    Mark Fischenich: Ask Us: Burning garbage illegal in most parts of state
    Listen Mark Fischenich: Ask Us: Burning garbage illegal in most parts of state pronunciation
    Q: Are burn barrels legal in Mankato? I know fire pits are, but burning garbage? A: This looked like an easy one. Just call up the Mankato City Code on the city website, search for "burn bar..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Jaxson Dart enters ASU game, now two games from burning redshirt
    Listen Jaxson Dart enters ASU game, now two games from burning redshirt pronunciation
    We’re not judging the move; we’re merely informing you that Jaxson Dart has played in a third game this season. He can play one more without burning his redshirt.
    USA Today on MSN.com USA Today on MSN.com
    Springfield Fire Dept. reminds that open burning not allowed in city limits
    Listen Springfield Fire Dept. reminds that open burning not allowed in city limits pronunciation
    The Springfield Fire Department is reminding residents that open burning is not allowed in city limits, aside from some specific situations that require a bonfire permit.
    KY3 KY3
    Barton Goldsmith: 5 ways to keep the heart fires burning
    Listen Barton Goldsmith: 5 ways to keep the heart fires burning pronunciation
    There are a million ways to show the one you love just how much you care. These actions can make the difference between a mutually supportive and emotionally engaging relationship and a
    The Lowell Sun The Lowell Sun
    Burning out: Why more women won't return to work
    Listen Burning out: Why more women won't return to work pronunciation
    Work a full-time job and raise four children on her own. But when the viral pandemic struck early last year, her personal challenges began to mount and she faced an aching decision: Her chil..View article
    Journal-Courier Journal-Courier
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