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Pronunciation of burly with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbɜːlɪ
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Meanings for burly

The meaning of this word is large and strong and it is an adjective.
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Wiki content for burly

Examples of in a sentence

First Drive: Big, Burly 2020 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD and GMC Sierra 2500HD
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Burly in-state back, Gamecocks target enjoyed atmosphere of playing in Williams-Brice
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Burly Plymouth teenager smashed woman's skull with baseball bat
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The big burly blokes who make infinitely precise pointe shoes by hand
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Burly brawler loses his trousers AND his top during bizarre scrap in an Asda car park
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Trending news on burly

Oklahoma’s ‘Burly Boys’ ready for final ride at NCAAs
Cummins, Dalke and Hale – affectionately known as the “Burly Boys” – gathered up what western attire they had, borrowed the rest from Hybl, put on their boots and met Tuesday at the team’s p..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Sports
Bottled up: A bold and burly cabernet
For me, the world of wine is the combination of stories, history and locations that each bottle holds. One such wine is the 2014 Burly Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon. Wine enthusiasts..View article
Quad-City Times Quad-City Times
Tool Night Two: Burly Security, Muscular Music, No Room for Error
Just a few songs into Tool’s initial set, security threw out a guy behind me for beginning to take video with his phone. The burly guards, told by Tool to eject anyone shooting photos or vid..View article
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Bargain shoes, a high-vis windproof, warm gloves and burly brakes
This week we took a look at Shimano’s patetnt for ABS brakes and ponder if brand might release its own version of the technology in the near future. We also gave you a look at Andrew Feather..View article
Future Future
What a bromance! Hilarious moment burly best man dons a wedding dress to surprise the groom
But little did he know, his soon-to-be-wife had teamed up with his best man to trick him, and the groom spun around to see his burly friend, Pat Jones, in a wedding dress instead. Amusing vi..View article
dailymail.co.uk dailymail.co.uk
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